

Last updated: 2014-07-04

JENGA game is an 18 lines game with the magic block, layer bombs, bonus blocks and Free game feature. JENGA allows you to win up to 50,000 X line bet per game round. When the game begins, Initial Tower Build begins and 54 rectangular colored blocks fall onto the screen to form a tower in accordance with the Game Speed chosen. Blocks are 3 times longer than they are wide. Blocks fall into 18 layers of 3 blocks each. Each row corresponds with one of the pay lines 1-18. All winning combinations are based on matching 3 colored blocks on an active payline. Matching blocks on other paylines that are connected to the original winning combination, or linked via chains of matching blocks, increase the win value.


  • You can bet on 9 or 18 lines. On selection of pay lines user can view the pay lines.

How to play

  • Setting 'LINES': Eighteen lines are selected by default. Lines can be changed by clicking ◄ and ► buttons available at 'LINES' indicator present on the game screen. This can also be done by using the Up arrow and Down arrow keyboard keys. Selected lines are lit, and unselected lines are not lit.
  • Setting 'BETS': When you enter the game, a default bet of $0.10 per line is set for all 18 lines, resulting in a total bet of $1.80. You can choose to increase or decrease the bet per line by using the ◄ and ► buttons available at 'Bet Per Line' indicator or by using the left arrow and right arrow keyboard keys. If your game balance is less than $1.80, the system will automatically adjust the bet to the next highest possible amount.
  • The number of selected lines is multiplied by the 'bet per line', and the total bet amount is displayed in the 'TOTAL BET' meter, which is located at the bottom right of the game screen.
  • 'PAYTABLE': The 'PAYTABLE' can be viewed by clicking on the 'PAYTABLE' button located on the bottom left of the main console screen or by clicking the keyboard key “P”. To calculate the payout amount, multiply the respective prize with the bet per line. You can go back to the game by clicking on the 'Close' button.
  • 'RULES': The 'RULES' can be viewed by clicking on the 'Rules' button located in the Paytable screen or by clicking the key board key “R”. You can go back to the game by clicking on the 'Close' button.
  • PLAY: Click on PLAY or Spacebar on keyboard to start the game.
  • At initial tower build, 54 rectangular colored blocks fall onto the screen to form a tower in accordance with the Game Speed chosen. Blocks are 3 times longer than they are wide, any winning combinations that is triggered on the selected lines will be paid according to the pay table.
  • Matching blocks on other paylines that are connected to the original winning combination, or linked via chains of matching blocks, increase the win value.
  • Each colour of block is associated with both a Layer Payout and a Block Payout respectively Line and each Linked Payout in the Paytable.
  • Each matching layer pays the corresponding Layer Payout.
  • Each block that is touching or linked to a matching layer pays the corresponding Block Payout per block.
  • Payout = Layer Payout + Number of Linked Blocks X Block Payout
  • When two or more winning layers are linked by matching blocks, or chains of matching blocks, all winning layers are paid separately.
  • Blocks that re-involved in multiple winning combinations are counted for each combination.
  • Touching or linked blocks that are on unpaid pay lines are still paid as long as the triggering layer is on an active pay line.
  • Winning combinations found after the Initial Tower Build must be paid immediately, before any Rebuilding or detonation of Layer Bombs or Magic Blocks.
  • If there are no win combinations, magic blocks and no Layer bombs, the game round is over.
  • The game consists of magic blocks, layer bombs, bonus blocks and free game feature.
  • Magic Block: Magic Blocks can appear on paylines 3-16.
  • Magic Blocks are triggered after original winning combinations are paid and before Layer Bombs are detonated.
  • When a Magic Block triggers it is transformed into one of the standard colors of blocks and proceeds to morph a random number of adjacent and linked blocks to the same color.
  • Magic Blocks will morph a minimum of 4 other blocks to the same color. Magic Blocks only morph blocks in the layer the Magic Block is on, up-to four layers above and up- to four layers below..
  • Magic Block can morph any colored block to color to which magic block has morphed.
  • After the Magic Block has triggered any new winning combinations are calculated and paid as per the normal procedure.
  • New matching adjacent or linked blocks gained due to a magic block trigger by previously existing and paid winning combinations will be counted and awarded.
  • Only 1 Magic Block can appear per game round.
  • Magic Block morphed block numbers can be seen in game logs. The blocks number should be counted from the base of the tower from left to right.
  • Layer Bombs: There are small medium and large Layer Bombs removing 2, 4 and 8 layers respectively.
    2x layer bomb destroys and replaces 2 layers of the tower.
    4x layer bomb destroys and replaces 4 layers of the tower
    8x layer bomb destroys and replaces 8 layers of the tower.
  • Layer Bombs are detonated after original winning combinations are paid and after Magic Blocks are triggered.
  • When Layer Bombs detonate they remove complete layers of blocks from the tower.
    2X Layer Bomb removes the layer the bomb is on and the layer below that.
    4X Layer Bomb Removes the layer the bomb is on, one layer below that and 2 layers above.
    8X Layer Bomb removes the layer the Bomb is on, 3 layer below that and 4 layer above.
  • Any layers remaining above the detonation zone after a Layer Bomb detonates fall directly to the first remaining layer below, or to the foundation if no layers remain below.
  • If multiple Layer Bombs occur in the same game round they are detonated simultaneously.
  • Layer Bombs only appear on even numbered paylines.
  • Layer Bombs only appear on lines 4-14.
  • Bonus blocks removed by the Layer Bombs do not contribute to the Bonus Block Meter.
  • Only the additional new payouts will be paid when a Magic Block or Layer Bomb detonation augments an existing winning combination – users are not paid for the original winning combination a second time.
  • Rebuilding Feature: If the user achieves one or more winning combinations during a game round a Rebuilding Feature will occur.
  • The Rebuilding Feature occurs after all winning combinations have been paid and Magic Blocks and Layer Bombs have been triggered.
  • If a user achieves one or more winning combinations during a Rebuilding Feature another Rebuilding Feature will occur after these winning combination(s) have been paid.
  • The Rebuilding Feature consists of Block Removal and Block Replacement.
  • If additional winning combinations are formed during block replacement phase the rebuilding feature will repeat, augmenting the rebuilding that has already occurred.
  • Block Removal occurs after all existing winning combinations have been paid, including those generated by Magic Block and Layer Bomb detonation.
  • The number of blocks removed will be equal to the number displayed in the Bonus Block Meter at the beginning of the Rebuilding Feature.
  • At least 1 Block is removed from each winning layer to break up existing winning combinations. Other blocks removed are chosen randomly, but in a way that does not leave any layer with any of the following configurations:
    • No blocks left in the layer
    • Only 1 side block left in the layer
  • Tower Collapse is triggered by the removal of the 30th block of the game round excluding blocks removed by Layer Bombs, or if there are no blocks that can be removed from the tower without forcing collapse.
  • Block Replacement does not begin until the entire Block Removal process is completed.
  • New randomly-colored Bonus Blocks are dropped individually, as per the Initial Tower Build method, on to the top of the tower.
  • As each Bonus Block is added to the top of the tower the Bonus Block Meter decreases by 1 and at the end of the Block Replacement feature the Bonus Block Meter will be equal to 0.
  • No new Layer Bombs or Magic Blocks will appear in the replacement blocks.
  • After all Bonus Blocks have been dropped any new winning combinations will be displayed and awarded in the original method, including increasing the Bonus Block Meter.
  • All layers above pay line 18 are active paylines regardless of how many Lines are played.
  • Tower Collapse Feature: Tower Collapse occurs when the 30th overall Block is removed from the tower in a single round not including Blocks removed due to Layer Bombs, or if there are no blocks that can be removed from the tower without forcing collapse.
  • When the tower collapses blocks fall to the ground and disappears in a semi-realistic animation.
  • After Tower Collapse the BONUS BLOCK METER is set to 0.
  • After Tower Collapse a message will appear in the Tower area after collapse announcing “FREE GAME” and a new tower is built according to the Initial Tower Build procedure.
  • Free Game Round: PAID and LINE WIN fields are not reset after a Tower Collapse. Wins on the new Tower during the Free Game are cumulative.
  • Magic Blocks and Layer Bombs are available during the Initial Tower Build phase of the Free Game after a Tower Collapse.
  • Winning Combinations, the Bonus Block Meter, and Rebuilding processes function same as like in normal game during Free Game.
  • Tower Collapse can be retriggered in the Free Game Round leading to multiple Free Games.
  • Free games are played at the Lines and the Bet per line of the triggering game
  • Maximum payout: If there is a maximum payout of 50,000 X Bet per line or more during a game round, the round ends and a massage will appear in the tower area announcing “MAXIMUM WIN 50,000X AWARDED!”
  • Bonus Blocks Meter: The BONUS BLOCKS METER is increased sequentially by 3 (for a winning layer) or 1 (for a winning attached or linked Block) as winning combinations are displayed and paid.
  • Layer Bombs do not contribute to the Bonus Block Meter.
  • Layer bomb doesn't occur in layer where magic block occurs.
  • Two layer bombs do not occur in same layer.
  • The BONUS BLOCKS meter displays the number of Blocks that are involved in winning combinations after a Building or Rebuilding Feature, and therefore the number of blocks that will be involved in the next Rebuilding phase.
  • When there is a payline or paylines win the winning symbols will be marked and bonus blocks are awarded for each block in a winning combination. Bonus blocks are added to the top of the tower replacing randomly removed original blocks.
  • Line Win: Each entry in Line Win consists of the number of blocks involved in the winning combination, an icon showing the color of block, and the total payout value of particular winning combination.
  • Paid: Displays the total amount won per game round.
  • Lock Background: LOCK BACKGROUND is a simple checkbox allowing the user to control whether the background image is cycled or not. If the box is checked the background image will not change and if the box is unchecked the background will change approximately every 2 minutes.
  • Game Speed: Game Speed affects only the rate at which blocks fall onto the screen during the initial play and during rebuild.
  • The Game can be played in three different speeds Norma, Fast and Very Fast.
  • Normal Speed: Normal Speed will allow the initial tower to build in approximately 5 seconds, showing individual blocks smoothly moving into place.
  • Fast Speed: Fast Speed will allow the initial tower to be built in 3 seconds or less, showing multiple blocks falling together at a much faster rate. Full platforms falling intact should be avoided if possible.
  • Very Fast Speed: Very Fast Speed will not display the animation of the blocks falling at all, presenting the result as quickly as possible.
  • Repeat Bet/Change Bet: If you have already bet, the settings selected will be automatically carried over to the subsequent play. Simply click on 'PLAY' to play with the same bet again. To change your bet, use the Left-arrow and Right-arrow buttons near the 'Bet Per Line' or 'LINES' indicators as explained above.
  • Credits: Your remaining game balance, after you have placed the desired bet, is shown under 'Balance'.
  • Your current game balance is the sum of the amounts displayed under the 'Balance' meter and the 'TOTAL BET' meter.
  • 'AUTOPLAY': You can make use of this feature to choose 'hands free' game play for selected number of plays. To increase or decrease the auto spin count Click Up and Down arrows displayed under the Autoplay indictor. Maximum number of Auto Play games can be selected is 999. Click on 'Autoplay' to activate the selected option and start the game.
  • Click on 'STOP' to stop the AUTOPLAY. While 'AUTO PLAY' is in progress you can interrupt the game by clicking on the 'STOP' button. If game is in progress, 'AUTO PLAY' will be stopped after completing the current game otherwise 'AUTO PLAY' is stopped immediately and normal game is restored.
  • Click on 'GAME LOGS' to view the logs of the games you've played.
  • Click on 'Game Rules' to view the game rules of the game.
  • Click on 'REBUY' to buy more credits into the game from your Party Account.
  • Click on 'EXIT GAME' to leave the game and return to the lobby.
  • If winning games are disconnected in between the game play, on re-login game will resume form the start.
  • The game rules are identical in both real money and play money modes.


  • Play 1 to 15 lines
  • A complete game round includes No Win or Multiple Wins or Multiple wins with free games if awarded any.
  • LINES can be changed by using the ◄ and ► arrows or the keyboard keys Up arrow and Down arrow
  • BET per line amount can be changed by using the ◄ and ► arrows or the keyboard keys left arrow and right arrow
  • PLAY begins the game with the currently selected BET per line and LINES
  • BET MAX sets the LINES and BET per line to maximum
  • Payouts are displayed on the PAYTABLE
  • Payline wins are based on the payout for a colour multiplied by the amount bet per line.
  • Wins only occur on lines which have been selected.
  • Winning combinations are based on matching 3 colored blocks on an active payline and matching blocks on other paylines that are connected to the original winning combination, or linked via chains of matching blocks, increase the win value.
  • A bonus Block is awarded for each block in a winning combination.
  • Bonus Blocks are added to the top of the tower, replacing randomly removed original blocks.
  • The tower collapse Feature triggers a free game round.
  • Magic Blocks transform their colour and the colour of surrounding blocks to match
  • Layer Bombs remove full layers from the tower and replace them with new blocks on the top
  • If there is a maximum payout of 50,000 X Bet per line or more during a game round, the round ends and a massage will appear in the tower area announcing "MAXIMUM WIN 50,000X AWARDED!"
  • Player is paid a maximum of 50,000 x Line Bet, even though the payout is actually more than that.
  • Malfunctions Voids all Pays and Plays.
  • Coinciding wins on different lit lines are all added to your total except in the following case where the player actually wins a total coinciding wins of more than 50,000 x Line Bet then not all coinciding wins are added and paid. Player is paid only a maximum of 50,000 x Line Bet.


  • Click on PAYTABLE button in the main game, game will navigate to Paytable screen
  • In PAY TABLE screen, on selection of RULES button game rules screen will be displayed.

The theoretical return to player of this game is 94.7612%

Adding funds to your Party Account

To add funds to your Party Account, click on 'DEPOSIT' in the 'Cashier' menu, then select the desired deposit option (Play Anywhere clients) or click on 'DEPOSIT' in the 'Cashier' option on left panel in Main Lobby, then select the desired deposit option (Download clients). You can also add funds to your account by clicking on 'REBUY' on the game screen and then clicking on 'CASHIER'. The time taken to transfer funds and the fees charged will vary depending on which deposit option you choose.

What do I do if I reach my betting limits?

If your game balance drops below the minimum bet, Buy-In window will be automatically presented.

To add funds to your Party Account, click on the 'DEPOSIT' option in the 'Cashier' menu in the Main Lobby (Play Anywhere clients) or click on 'DEPOSIT' in the 'Cashier' option on left panel in Main Lobby, then select the desired deposit option (Download clients), or click the 'CASHIER' button in the 'Buy-In' window of any game.

I could not complete the game. What should I do?

If you get disconnected in the middle of the game, the software will automatically complete the game for you. You will be able to find out the result by clicking on the 'Game Logs' button once you have logged back in. If you are still having problems, please contact our 24/7 Customer Care team.

If player get disconnected when if there is any winning combination in initial tower building, on reconnection, the software will automatically start from the initial tower build. If player gets disconnected in middle of the Free game feature, on reconnection the software will automatically resume from the respective free game.